
Love does not exist just because you can't define it?

First of all, this isn't a post to answer the above question. This is my opinion of your so-open-minded-facts that you brag about, in which I do not agree at all. I'd rather discuss face to face, but you just keep pushing with the "Oh please la Anis" thingy. Hey, tak reti bersabar ke? Kalau nak aku quote pon takes time, oke =)

I won't quote anything from your blog, I don't think I want to. Blog kau tempat kau la kan nak cakap pasal apa pon. But please, in public, in which dalam kes nihh, tutor, tak payah la nak bawa kau punya kefahaman ke sana jugak. That is the only place I can enjoy and just freely release my tension. You're not the only one studying blah blah blahh.. *tamau bebel kat kau.

I will try not to make this post too long and factual. I am not that logistic. I believe in things I cannot see, hear or touch.

This is my opinion. Of love

Loving someone so deeply that it hurts when they're gone. That one person you need to talk to every day. To hold on to when you're down. To do things you can never imagine, together. To be annoyed at their silliest mistakes. To laugh at their stupid jokes. Missing them when they're not around. You see them as your world, which are nothing without them. Everything about them is love.

This is not a definition of love, this is how I say what love means to me. Even I'm not in love with anyone right now, I still believe =)

There's too many ways you can say what love is, what it means to you. But don't say it does not exist. You're fooling yourself. 

Don't say you don't believe in love? I doubt that.

I wish you have a girlfriend, for when she says she loves you, you won't try to paste your idea on her head. You would just smile and say "I love you too" like you really mean it. Because when that time comes, I wish you could.

p/s: Don't judge me just because I don't agree with you. Your ideas are not that perfect and you know it. Try to listen to others too, don't provoke. As a friend, what I'm trying to say is you do things that doesn't makes sense to you too, sometimes. Try not to be so perfect by denying everyone's thoughts on you. It is best you don't try to get on my nerves too. I don't like it much.


  1. =O

    Wow. speechless. gilo aih.

  2. pom pang pom pang pom pang!!!



  3. Alia, wowww? muahaha. gilak! haihh aku pon x paham lahh.

    Pai.. hish. raya cina ka banyak mercun nihh.

  4. tang mana yang jiwang nye?
